Partner With Us

While movements are often started by a few, they are sustained by partnerships with many. Paul knew this, which is why he often speaks of people in his network of relationships as being partners with him in the gospel. Here are some ways you can partner with us. 

pray button 2PRAY God is the true pioneer who goes before us and blazes the trail. Will you pray that we will have the courage to follow his lead and rely on his presence to fulfill his calling on our lives?

We believe God can speak to us in many ways, including through other people. If, as you pray, you have a scripture, word of prophecy or encouragement, or something you feel would be beneficial to share with us…please do! Contact Us

network button - 2NETWORK  Will you introduce us to friends and family who might be interested in hearing about what we are doing? Connections of all types can be life-giving and beneficial. Share This Blog With A Friend

join buttonJOIN  We are praying for God to show us people who may want to join the team in Nashville. If that’s you, or you want to hear more, we would love to talk with you. Contact Us

give button 2GIVE  Would you pray about investing financially through monthly or one time giving? We are an official 501(c)3 non-profit organization, so all gifts will be tax deductible. Use the PayPal button below or we can receive checks made out to OneLife at 4001 Anderson RD Unit V107 Nashville, TN 37217.

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